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20 November 2010

Back to School

Posted by Peter Hoelter | File under Photo Gallery

Catching up on this Fall’s events, our older kiddos head back to school – Sara for the first time, Owen runs around school and the soccer field, Sara flies in the air, and Drew tries to keep up, looking awfully cute.

15 November 2010

Lego Man II: The Bottomless Pit

Posted by Peter Hoelter | File under Owen, Playtime

A comic by Owen Hoelter. Click to enjoy.

Legoman II Comic

2 November 2010

“Tik teet!!”

Posted by Jenny Hoelter | File under Holidays, Kids

Say that, and strangers will give you candy! Unfortunately, Drew is now dealing with the reality that it only works on Halloween and his prize still has to be unwrapped and “checked” by Mommy. Hey, better safe than sorry, right? I found lots of substandard Snickers and KitKats this year, not to mention the Almond Joys.

We had some neighborhood and school friends over for pizza and trick-or-treated our neighborhood in a big group of WOUND-UP kids.

We didn’t get any great pictures of our kids in the hustle/bustle of getting everybody out the door without falling down the stairs or running into the street, but here’s Owen as a “lego guy”.

Sara made a really cute witch, but didn’t like her hat, so ended up looking like a strange graduate or choir member with messy hair. Here she is (in motion) with her buddies, a knight and a dinosaur.

Here they are in action:

Our pumpkins were awesome this year–Thanks Uppa and Grandma Judy!!