Last week was First Day of School week.
Drew was up first, heading off to his very first day of school with his Mom-made lunch bag.
He was so proud. And cute.
While Drew was at school, I took the big kids to the coast for our annual back-to-school beach trip. It was 95° with blazing sun back home, but on the coast we had 59° and fog.
(The ocean is somewhere in the fog behind these two ninjas)
We did, however, find sun a bit further north.
The next day it was Sara and Owen’s turn. Sara wasn’t much into the photo shoot.
Owen is getting too tall for our standard front-porch portrait. Perhaps next year I’ll bring out a step stool.
We did get a few shots of all three of them, but I think the little ones put on their Daddy-wants-me-to-smile-so-I’m-going-to-smile smiles.
All had a great first week, including Mom and Dad who are glad to be back in the school routine.