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19 October 2011

A Portland Day

Posted by Jenny Hoelter | File under Adventures

Last Sunday afternoon we went to Portland with a goal of obtaining a new (to us) Harry Potter #4, as Owen and Peter have loved ours a little too much. We made our way to Powells down the park blocks, jumped in fountains (well, Drew did), and jumped off of many planters, steps and lamp posts. Our cool factor was diminished by lots of pigeon chasing and pointing at cranes. We were okay with that.

We spent about 90 minutes in the children’s section of Powells, with brief, alternating adult excursions to the rest of the store.

We walked to Jamison Park and played in that fountain for a while.

Dinner at Deschutes Brewery Portland Pub (Black Butte Porter!), then back to the car via streetcar.

We love Portland!