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2 June 2010

“Are we going to the beach TODAY???”

Posted by Jenny Hoelter | File under Beach, Hoelters

We’ve been looking forward to a Memorial Day weekend trip to the beach for a LONG time. We joined the rest of the Hoelters in Manzanita for a few rainy days of beach walking and sand castle making, some foosball, board/card games and CUPCAKES to celebrate Chris’s Birthday. There was an impressive array of idevices, much to Sara’s delight. Sara and Owen got to sleep in bunk beds, which made going to bed FUN and bonded with their cousin Jackson, 7 months.

Here are some pictures!

Eat sand or run into the ocean? So hard to choose…

Manzanita has Cape Cod-esque dunes that Owen and Sara had fun exploring, with lots of climbing/jumping/rolling. There was sand where no sand should be!

An EXCELLENT frosting:cupcake ratio

Thanks for sharing your toys, Jackson!

A good looking bunch of Hoelter cousins…

The whole crew, minus one bearded world traveler. We miss Micah! (Sara, in her nearly 3-year old obstinate phase, insisted on sitting RIGHT there)

A very silly Silly photo.

Thanks to Mark and Miriam for making this happen—we all had a wonderful weekend—rain can’t ruin the magic of the beach!